Monday, September 30, 2013

pizza is so tasty

Sitting here wondering why I eat so much.  A new pizza joint opened up and we just gorged.  Sitting here wondering if I stare at this needle will I go cross-eyed.  Sitting here with a wedding gift:  towels that I'm embroidering.  Wondering why I waited until the last minute.  Wondering if I will ever finish.  Wondering if a needle will break.  Going to Missouri this weekend for a wedding.  Reminds me of mine.  10 years ago.  Ten years we've been married.  Marriage is like a full time job.  I thought it was a partnership will you do things together, you problem solve together and life is full of happiness.  Good-night Irene!!!!  Its the hardest thing I have ever done.  Even if they are good men.  Even if they love you.  Even if you love them.  I just don't get it.  You suggest something and they yell and scream from the bathroom to the car to the event.  And lo and behold they have a good time.  And, God forbid you make a suggestion and they yell and scream from the bathroom to the car back to livingroom.  And, lo and behold 6weeks later they are doing what you asked.  I will never understand it.
                         Photos of wedding gifts tomorrow.

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