Monday, February 3, 2014

snow day!!

I just love North Texas.  Last week 70 degrees and today no school because its icy roads and snow.  Can't believe George wants to move back to this sub-freezing weather.  He was out shoveling snow and playing ice man yesterday.  Complaining and complaining they shut the city down for 3 inches.  Made him run to the store and he commented how bad the road conditions were.  We got to stay home but he had to work.   tehehe. He shouldn't complain about a lousy 3 in.  I didn't go out.  It brought back memories when I had to do morning duty in -20 degree weather.  Its all relative.  My first summer in Montana I wore a coat and my first winter hear in TX I wore only a sweater and never turned on the heat.  I remember morning duty: 1 pair of gloves and mittens.  A scarf and my coat hood tied tight.  sweats on-top of my jeans.  A shirt and a sweater plus my coat.  2 pairs of socks.  Then I became friends with other teachers.  I had on the same style coat and the same style pants as everyone else.  Paid the same too.  Bought at the same stores.  go figure.  but my clothes were thin and unlayered. My students used to hate putting my mittens on for me and tucking my scarf in.  They would beg to be let in early.  Hah!!! 
Finally made it to February.  Signed the retirement papers and sent off to state.  So, this is the last Ground Hogs day that I have to worry about getting up in the dark and driving off to work.  Yippee!!!

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