Friday, February 7, 2014

I cried at school today.

I confess I cried at school today.  American Education is a numbers game.  People in power making decisions are so far removed from the children I can honestly say:  they believe they have a child's best interest at heart.  And, if that was true:  we wouldn't be in this mess and teachers would be the one's making the decisions.  I cried because of my students.  I have 12-14 year old students who can not multiply.  I have 12-14 year old boys and girls who did not know their times tables.  I was a tyrant.  I would not give in.  I called parents.  I drilled and killed. They had to be accurate.  If they missed one the highest grade was 75.  And, I would not cave.   I nagged.  I whined.  No matter how old a child is, no matter how much he hates school he still wants to please his teacher.  Well I gave them another times test.  The little buggers all finished.  I mean all students finished w/ 100% accuracy the test in under 3 minutes.  When we started, the majority couldn't finish under 5 minutes.  So, I confess.  I cried.  I was so proud of them.  Darn it!!!  It's going to be so hard to walk away.  120 calendar days left.

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