Monday, May 12, 2014

good things about being olde:

Good things about be old is you get to retire and spend the money from the ponzi scheme you have been paying into for 30 years:  Good things ______???  Life sucks and you learn to deal with it has to do with being old.  But being old you learn you get hammered in 3's.  Part 1:  Got a $200 ticket for turning left out of my school parking lot.  And, in front of a cop.  No left turn before 3:30.  I never get out before 3:30/  My $200 ticket was at 3:21.  To grovel w a judge to make payments is at 9:30.  So, I have to take a 1/2 day off from school.  Pay an additional $25 for privilege of making payments.  If use debit card an additional $25 and..........driving school is $167.  ummmmm.  Stay tuned for part 2.  Waiting to be hammered w/ 3.

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