Wednesday, October 9, 2013

squad cars and wedding belles

I can't believe me and George have been married 10 years.  We flew from Montana to AZ to get married.  I wanted only 2 people.  It ended up being 35.  Had my honeymoon at the Phoenix Zoo.  Wanted to get married for $5.  Things have a way of getting out of control  Rabbi $300.  Plane Tickets $1600.  Rental $280 and we hadn't even landed in Arizona yet. A dear friend made my dress.  Not including above:  We spent $500 to get me married.  I guess I started going crazy 10 years ago.  Almost didn't make it to my own wedding.  Left my drivers license at home.  Talked myself onto the plane in Montana but the lay-over in Salt Lake almost forbid me to enter the gate towards the planes.  Me and George forgot his wedding ring.  He got married in a plain, elegant $79 ring from Target.   I can't believe he wore it for years.  I can't believe I didn't change my name on driver's license for 3 1/2 years.  The cats got their name changed before me.  I can't believe I still have 150 days left.  Photos to follow

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we did your wedding on the frugal side, but it was well worth it to your mother!
