Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Quilt Classes

I need a quilt class.  I need to be around my own kind.  Just read an article about why adults take classes.  They learn to improve work, improve life or improve social status.  I like to take quilt classes because you always pick-up tidbits that improve your skills.     Its interesting that when you teach adults they all come with prior knowledge.  I love reading.  Every time you read a book you bring your own personal baggage to it.  You may love it and your best friend will hate.  It just depends on your personal past experiences on how you relate.  I read the "Hunger Games" last year and just saw catching fire.  I completely lost myself into the movie, the book, the sounds the characters and smells.  The scene with the monkeys:  I jumped , I screamed and my neighbors jumped with me because I screamed so loud.  I just love personal baggage and I love that I have a 3 day work week next week and am going to New Orleans to learn to teach adults.

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