Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Drove to Dallas............

Went and dropped off my horse and cowboy quilt for the Plano Quilt Show this weekend.  2 hrs. 10 min.  20 min farther than Patty's.  Then it was 15 miles to Subaru.  Pearl  was supposed to end up in Europe but she belonged to me.  13 seconds to put on the front license plate.  Holes were made for European license plates.  I had time and ate at this Bistro.  Oh My!  Food to die for, but it took 30 min. to be served.  Ummm?  It was after lunch and only 4 tables.  Wait!!!  Everything is fresh.  I had this pasta w/ a mayo-cream cheese sauce:  lots of little veggies cut up in it.  Not pre-made.  The bread was a sourdough :  Orange w/ garlic and pimento.  I had enough left over for supper.  Then hit the George Bush.  Did you know :  You can get on the George Bush and drive all the way to Fort Worth.  Pick-up I-30 and the head north on 35W?...  But,  wait.............the tolls?  what about the tolls?  More tomorrow

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