Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why is it?

5 years ago I finally found the radio station to die for.  6 months later it was off the air.  Bought and sold.  It was sold to a talk show station. I was devistated. Never spent time with talking heads before.  But, my oh opened my attitudes to work, politics and money.   I started listening to these 2 good ole' boys from Texas.  I would crack-up every morning.  For example when this new taco shop opened up in Dallas, one of the guys said the tacos were filled w/ wild game meat.  You could have an ostrich taco, a goat taco, a snake taco etc.  The main host asked if they had Tiger Tacos.  As the discussion continued :  he wondered what it would feel like eating a wild game taco.   He wondered if he ate a tiger taco :  if he would roar like a tiger.
Now after 4 years...these guys have woken me every morning, entertained and rode with me to work.  I went to work on Monday and the station had been sold.  I feel like I have lost two best friends.   maybe its a plot.
          a wedding in missoui

 after 10 years I still get a thrill when George holds my hand.
            A simple dress but oh elegant
          the beginning of a wedding quilt

why is it that women insist on wearing shoes that hurt.  Do other cultures do this?

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