Monday, October 21, 2013

ate lunch with a retired teacher today.

9 years retired and she is back subbing.  Hope I look that good at 70.  Hope I don't have to be working at 70.  142 days and still counting.  Thank the Lord for my 30 year old financial planner.  I'm glad I have my ducks in a row so I can retire.  I can't wait to wake up and quilt in my jammies.  I can't wait to fulfill orders in my jammies.  I can't wait to have my jammies on when George comes home from work.  Sat down to download my photos and the camera battery was low.  Just too low to download.  Gonna have to get a new laptop soon.  Took 10 minutes to down load the program to down load my photos.  I wish someone would down load me to a new sewing machine and a studio where I can work all day.  I wish someone would down load me a new laptop.  Check back tomorrow.  Lots of photos this week.

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